Do you pay attention to your vehicle’s tyres?

Pat yourself on the back if you did!

If not, that’s not the dedication a responsible driver should have. Nevertheless, it’s time you learn the essential lessons associated with a driver's responsibilities and become a good one.

As per a data-driven news report, almost 100 deaths in the UAE happened due to tyres bursting in 2018, and the number of injured ones is exponentially higher!

Having all this knowledge, how much attention have you paid to the well-being of your motorcycle tyres?

Confused about what to check? We’ll help you figure that out! In this write-up, let’s look at five signs that indicate the need to get the tyre servicing done or ring one for home or mobile service.

Let’s dive in!

5 Signs Indicating You Must Change Your Motorcycle Tyres

In contrast to car tyres, motorcycle tyres have different characteristics. This is because the motorcycle has two contact points with the road. One of them being the tyres. Therefore, the performance and quality of the ride are influenced by the fitting and well-being of the tyres. Thus, checking them out and taking a note is always appreciable.

Below is the list of five indications that amplify the need to get a tyre changed:

1. Uneven Tread Wear

The irregular footprint wear in the tyres is called uneven tread wear. The wear pattern in such a tyres can look versatile and represent various forms of wear such as patchy wear, cupping wear, camber wear, toe wear, and excessive wear. Altogether, all such tyres shorten their lifespan of the tyres and expose them to roadside dangers.

Reasons that cause uneven tyres tread include:

  • The mechanical problem such as poor wheel alignment
  • Steering or worn-out suspension components
  • Using tyres that are incorrect for the motorcycle
  • Underinflated or over-inflated tyres
  • Aggressive driving

An uneven tyre tread increases the risk of leaks and bursts in worn-out areas. For example, one side tread worn down farther might put undue pressure on the worn spot and potentially trigger an explosion. Further, it also decreases the lifespan of the tyres.

2. Scalping or Cupping of the Front Tyre

Tyre cupping is the scooped portion of tyres from the circumference. You must have seen an ice cream scoop, but how does it look when the ice cream has been scooped out from the cone or bucket?

That is how scaled, or cupped tyres look!

Reasons that cause uneven tyres tread include:

  • Misaligned or uneven tyres that exert extra pressure on one side resulting in cups.
  • Worn shocks and suspensions such as struts, bushing, shock absorbers, and others.
  • Unbalanced tyres that meet the roads with greater force.

Tyres must continually be in contact with the road’s surface while driving.

However, the cupping or scaling on the tyres interrupts the consistency and results in uneven highs and lows while driving. The risk associated with it includes losing traction and loss of vehicle control.

3. Wearing

The tyres wear out from the insides, which impacts how it looks outside, just like someone's face who’s not feeling good from within. The wearing of the tyres is closely visible to anyone, irrespective of whether they are specialists! It is most visible in the center, edges, curvature, and other parts.

The reason that causes the tyres to wear include:

  • Dysfunctional suspension and steering component
  • Incorrect toe setting
  • Tied end rods
  • Worn-out ball joints
  • Control arm bushing
  • Damaged springs

The wearing of tyres mostly happens over the years due to excessive use. Typically, tyres come with an expiration date of six years, so if it’s been more than that, your tyres will typically appear worn out.

In addition, worn-out tyres can result in bursts that can be avoided entirely. Thus, if it’s been years, it’s time you finally change the tyres.

4. Punctures and Cuts

Cuts appear as tears in your tyres that result from external influences like protruding potholes or sharp objects like glass or stones. They are visible on the tyre’s top surface.

Punctures also happen due to the contact of a blunt object with the tyres. Puncture appears to damage the inner lining and tread of the tyres, appearing to lose pressure.

Causes of tyres punctures and cuts include:

  • A loose, corroded, or clogged valve system
  • Overinflated tyres
  • Patch holes, debris, and uneven surfaces on the roads
  • A collision that leads the tyres and rim to separate

Punctures and cuts could result in accidents and bursts if not taken care of on time. While detecting a puncture is simple by exerting pressure, cuts are visible too! So, get them repaired.

5. Tyre’s Age

Lastly, the conclusive factor is the tyres' age! It is evident that the age of tyres is bound to reduce their productivity levels and make you prone to accidents and mishaps.

Some of the indications reflecting the tyre’s long age are as follows:

  • Cuts and scalps on the tyre’s surface
  • Wearing of the tyres
  • A loose valve that leads to a quick puncture
  • Unsmooth driving experience

Generally, a tyre should be changed every six years, only when it is well-maintained and unexposed to unwanted road tragedies.

If your tyres have surpassed the given age, you must consider replacing them, even if it is ‘just working.’ It will keep you safe while helping you drive better on the road.

Why Should You Not Avoid These Signs?

All the above signs are signs of damage. Even if you can work with such injuries, you must not ignore them because it’s like ‘tyres performing in the danger zone.’ While security is always the primary concern, performance and lifespan shortage also come with it!

Examine the condition, consult experts, and find the best solution!


Tyresvision brings you top-rated and multifaceted tyres services that are budget-friendly but efficacious.

To help you replace your worn-out tyres with ease and convenience, we offer the best tyres in the UAE from premium brands! So, find the best tyres in Dubai to get fixed to your two-wheeler. For more, connect now!


  • How Do I Know When To Replace My Tyres?

    You must look out for specific indications to figure out whether your tyres need replacement. Some of it could be wearing, puncturing, cutting, age, etc. Compromises in performance are also one thing that can indicate the need to change the tyres.

  • How Long Do Motorcycle Tyres Last?

    Typically, a motorcycle lasts for about five to six years. Beyond that, it might still work, but with decreased efficiency. However, Pirelli motorcycle tyres are known to have a long life. Check them out at Tyresvision, a leading supplier of two-wheeler tyre in Dubai.

  • Do Tyres Wear Out Completely?

    Yes. If you do not change it for the longest time, like a decade or more, your tyres might be full of cuts and wear that will result in poor performance on the road and also make you prone to road dangers.